Housing Disrepair Survey
Surveyors play a vital role in assessing the condition of a rented property, either through social housing or private landlords, during a housing disrepair claim.
At GoReport, we understand the challenges of conducting housing disrepair surveys and the importance of accurate and comprehensive information in assessing the condition of a property. As a surveyor, you play a crucial role in identifying and documenting these issues. Our advanced digital data collection and reporting solution is designed to revolutionise and simplify your surveying process by providing an efficient and streamlined solution for gathering and reporting data.
On completion of a disrepair survey, you will have a wealth of information about the state of a property, including the identification of potential areas for damp, heat loss, and mould growth etc. By capturing data digitally, you can gather more accurate and detailed information, leading to a better understanding of the property’s condition.
With such a detailed inspection, compiling survey reports can be complex if you are operating manually. With our digital reporting software, you can create uniform, well-presented reports that contain high-quality information, images, smartpins, costings etc. in the right place. This not only saves you time but also ensures that your reports are professional and easy to understand by solicitors and clients alike.
The Housing Disrepair Protocol emphasises the importance of early and full information exchange between parties involved in a claim. Our web portal facilitates the ability to easily export information for sharing, ensuring compliance with the protocol and supporting efficient case management. You can easily share the necessary documentation and evidence to support your findings.
A housing disrepair survey will often include a Scott Schedule serving as a valuable tool for surveyors, solicitors, and clients in understanding the extent of the disrepair and its financial implications. A Scott Schedule output can also be created from GoReport to form the basis or start point for recording further dialogue between landlord and tenant or their representatives.
By adopting digital processes, you can provide your clients with timely and accurate information about the condition of their property or portfolio of properties.
We understand the legal obligations of landlords and tenants, and we can fully customise our reports in a format that can be used for initial case assessments, litigation or whatever you or your clients’ needs may be.